Zoë's Horse Bytes
My name is Zoë Coade and my mission is to inspire, share experiences, offer horse training tips and have a lot of fun while doing it.
With various fun & spontaneous guests, I hope you will join me for some interesting chats where laughter, tears, thoughtfulness, and education are guaranteed on behalf of our dear friend, the HORSE ♥
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Zoë's Horse Bytes
18. They don't see, how it can be
This is a tough one because there are many humans who struggle with their horses but it has become so normal to them that they start to think or really do believe its actually quite normal.
OR there are people who are fully aware that they ARE struggling but they do not seek further than beyond the end of their nose to change because they think it will cost them far more energy than if they were to stay as they are.
Worse still, many are afraid to change!
My advice is to always stay open, look for and hang out with people who are successful with their own horses.
Where it gets interesting is; as you gain more experience and insights, what you thought might have been a good example of horsemanship in the past, may well start to become your worse nightmare later because you woke up, you started to see what is crap and what is better.
Lets move away from crap, its bad for horses, forgive ourselves for the past and continue the search for good so the horses can forgive us too ♥
Thanks for listening!
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