Zoë's Horse Bytes
My name is Zoë Coade and I do my best to inspire horse lovers how to get good skills, build a strong bond and create a lasting partnership via my Online Training Platform & this Podcast 🐴✨🌎
My mission is to share experiences, offer horse training tips and advice and invite people to think outside the box when searching for solutions with horses.
With various fun & spontaneous guests, I hope you will join me for some interesting chats and topics on behalf of our dear friend, the HORSE ♥
Zoë's Horse Bytes
34. Top 10 tips to get good at bonding with your horse
Just so you know podcast number 28 - Zero on expectations (Z.O.E.) is related to this episode!
Listen in where I talk about the following top 10 tips:
- Make time for it
- Put a zero on your expectations
- Hangout
- Don’t touch
- Observe
- Listen
- Learn
- Be in the moment
- Practice mindfulness
- Smile while you count your blessings
You can learn about Z.O.E in full as a home-study at your own pace in my Online Academy ♥
Thanks for listening!
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Learn my training secrets HERE