Zoë's Horse Bytes
My name is Zoë Coade and my mission is to inspire, share experiences, offer horse training tips and have a lot of fun while doing it.
With various fun & spontaneous guests, I hope you will join me for some interesting chats where laughter, tears, thoughtfulness, and education are guaranteed on behalf of our dear friend, the HORSE ♥
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Powered by GET GOOD WITH HORSES by Zoë Coade
Zoë's Horse Bytes
40. The Sassenach
If your curious how about the title, please listen in where I am also celebrating the 40th episode of this podcast and offer a GIVEAWAY.
2 lucky horse lovers can win unlimited and lifetime access to my Online Training Academy & it's community.
Details how to enter are explained in the podcast of which you will definitely be needing my email address: info@getgoodwithhorsescourses.com
The date of this competition runs from 7am CET on the 24 May 2024 to 19pm CET on the 31 May 2024.
Please don't forget to share with your friends and thank you for joining me in this special episode ♥
Thanks for listening!
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